How do I play the G chord?
The G chord is one of the two most common, most variable chords on guitar (the other one is E minor). Professional players regularly use several shapes of G . . .
How do I read guitar tablature (tabs)?
Guitar tablature (TAB) is a visual guide to the position of a note on the fingerboard. Think of it as a street directory for notes!
How do I improve my strumming technique?
Strumming is a core technique for steel-string guitar players. Creating a good tone whilst maintaining a steady, flowing rhythm is a must-know skill. Strumming through a chord progression with consistent rhythm creates the style referred to as ‘rhythm guitar’.
What's the best way to hold a guitar pick?
Holding a guitar pick comfortably is one of the first things you need to learn for acoustic steel-string and electric guitar playing. It’s easy to feel a little awkward with at first ; a pick is a small piece of plastic that seems to move around by itself. Learning the right grip is essential.
How do I improve my F bar-chord?
F is the most difficult chord for beginner guitar players. There just isn’t an easy alternative for it, we’re sorry to say! The common open-position F is awkward because the index finger needs to be flat across strings 1 & 2 whilst the other fingers need to be on the fingertip. This is genuinely difficult to learn . . .