How do I tune my guitar?
Tuning the guitar is an ever-present issue for all guitarists. The easiest approach for the novice (complete beginner) is to buy a clip-on, electronic guitar tuner. You need to acquire some fundamental technique before being able to learn to ‘tune by ear’ - but you need the guitar in tune to be able to learn the thing properly!
A clip on tuner
How do I use a clip-on tuner?
Attach it to the top of the head-stock so the screen is facing you. Start on the 6th string; the tuner senses the note you are playing by the vibrations. Pick firmly and keep all other strings quiet. For acoustic guitar, pick behind the sound-hole; this creates a stronger, clearer tone which gives a better reading on the tuning device. Pick every 2-3 seconds as you are adjusting string tension; this keeps a constant reading. You are aiming to center the moving line on the central notch on the screen. Most tuners make this obvious by LED colours and graphics.
An electronic guitar tuner
How do I use an old style electronic tuner?
SImilar to above but make sure you are in a quiet space; competing sounds confuse the reading. If using the tuner’s inbuilt microphone, place the tuner directly in front of the soundhole and strike each string firmly to create a clear signal for the device to process. If playing an electric guitar (or acoustic with a pick-up) plugging the guitar into the device via a guitar lead will provide a cleaner, more reliable result.
A tuning app
How do I use a tuner app?
Download a guitar tuner app. Place your smartphone in front of the guitar. Turn off background noise/sounds ; electronic tuners are designed to measure one sound at a time and don’t work if background noises interfere with the reading. Pick firmly on one string at a time as you make necessary adjustments. Keep all other strings quiet as you do this ; guitar tuners only cope with one sound source at a time.
How do I tune by ear?
Aim to eventually be able to do this ; all professionals can even though they may use an electronic tuner for live performance and recording work. If you have prior experience with, and access to a piano keyboard, you will find this straightforward. Standard guitar tuning is E A D G B E in the order of thickest to thinnest strings. The top E (1st string) is a third above middle C on piano. Essential to understand here is that guitars are tuned an octave below concert pitch. This chart compares the guitar strings to the actual pitch on the piano:
A comparison of the strings of the guitar, and where to play them on the piano
To tune the guitar to itself
You still need a reliable starting note. Most electronic metronomes have an electronic tone that produces A at 440 hertz. This is the agreed international pitch standard. Orchestras tune to this note and most professional guitarists start from it when tuning. Once you have the 5th string A in tune you can tune the 4th string to the D at the 5th fret on the 5th string. This comparison works the same for all strings except for the 2nd string; it is tuned to the B at the 4th fret on the 3rd string.
A tuning fork
What is a ‘tuning fork' ?
Lets start by saying it’s definitely not an eating utensil! A ‘tuning fork’ is a delightful old-tech way to check a fixed pitch. Tuning forks in A , or E are the most useful for guitarists. We use a tuning fork to confirm the pitch of one of the bass strings. As mentioned above A = 440Hz is the most common for guitar. A short Youtube video about these are a good way to learn how they work. One great thing about a tuning fork is that it always works and never needs to be powered up, or to have the battery changed! Very old-school, very clean & very green!
Last word; a guitar teacher will train you to tune your instrument!
Learning to tune the guitar is a natural part of your musicianship development. Professional teachers teach tuning when they judge their student ready for it. Some of the above advice will sound complex to a novice ; you need to establish basic technical control of the guitar before developing the ability to tune it well. And, general musicianship must be developing ahead of you becoming able to learn to tune by ear. Good teachers guide their students towards these things. If you haven’t already started lessons, seek out a reputable professional tutor and take a course of lessons!